Member Integration
Member IntegrationMembers: Mariama, Annamarie, Scott, Judy (mentorship), Cat (Tech/Website only)
- The Member Integration Team is a standing team responsible for:
- providing residents with key information such as policies; agreements; where to find things both electronically and physically; and whom to ask for help
- coordinating mentorship
- bringing associate household invitation decisions to the plenary, and follow through on the plenary's decisions
- new member orientation (for both adults and children)
- social events
- Members are chosen by self-selection and include individuals with ownership of specific tasks.
- The team will let the group know how it makes decisions and the timeframes to expect.
- This team has an annual budget to be determined in 2012 budget planning, to be used for printing welcome kits and holding events. In 2011 the annual budget for social events was $240.
- Reports will be issued quarterly (or more often if warranted) of scheduled events, new materials available, introductions of new members, and budget status.
- The Member Integration Team will work with the Tech/Website team to ensure member integration content is available on the website and that new people have access to the website, email lists, and calendaring.
- The Member Integration Team can make independent decisions about all areas it is responsible for, as per #1 & #3 above.
- The Member Integration Team is required to get approval from the plenary for budget and changing the scope of its responsibilities.
- The Member Integration Team will accept input from people not on the team by email, and personal contact. The Member Integration Team can establish dates by which input into decisions are closed.