Community Support

Community Support

Steph, Judy, Ken P, Liz, Matt
Sophie (just for kids)
(email team)

Serves as contact for conflict within the group; develops processes for conflict resolution.


1. The Community Support (CS) Team is a standing team and our primary mandate is to support the community and relationships in the community. Most of our work is one-on-one but the foundation is really the health of our entire Mosaic community.

CS is responsible for helping individuals to find strategies to resolve the conflicts they have with others. For individual conflicts we use the conflict resolution process described here: link. We also will provide individual emotional support and help people find outside support when requested.

We will help any individual who lives in Mosaic, and any individual who is a member or associate member of mosaic. We will cooperate with the Camelot CS team for issues between people who live in Camelot and people who live in Mosaic or are Mosaic Members or Associate Members.

In conflicts between two individuals CS Members will keep the issue in confidence. If an issue between two people becomes a community wide issue then our primary mandate is the health of the community and we may need to open broader discussion. If we must share with the community the names of individuals involved will not be used and we won't share information without letting individuals involved know what we are going to say.

2. Members of the CS team are chosen by self-selection and are approved by existing members of the team. The CS team may solicit appropriate individuals to join. Email if you are interested in joining the team. The CS email list is confidential and only CS team members may be on the list.

3. Decisions about CS process are made when the members present at a team meeting come to consensus. Community and individual issues are handled by a subgroup of the team; the sub-group informs the rest of the team when they have consensus about how to proceed on an issue, and proceeds if there are no objections from the rest of the team.

4. The CS team may ask for a budget for training and for hiring outside facilitators in case of conflicts that require that.

5. CS will determine when we need to report to the community. Members may ask us at any time if they are concerned about whether we are addressing an issue. Speak directly to a member of the team or send an email to

6. CS works with any mosaic team or with the Camelot CS team when asked for help.

7, 8, 9. Community support can make their own decisions about how to help people, about whether the issues is a group or individual issue, and whether outside mediation is needed for an issue. If we feel it is necessary we can recommend actions to other teams or to the plenary.

If an individual or team asks us for help someone from community support will get back to them within two days to see if there is an immediate need, and will within two weeks let them know an expected timeline and the names of the community support people working on the issue.

Non-team members are encouraged to ask the CS team questions at any time. We will also solicit input from community members as needed.

admin Thu, 03/08/2012 - 16:27