FacilitationSan, Sandy, Betsy, Mary
(email this team)
1. The Facilitation and Process Team plans and facilitates plenary General Meetings and attends to process matters in the community. Facilitation and Process are interrelated functions and the sub-teams will sometimes meet separately and sometimes together and may split at a later date if that seems appropriate.
The Facilitation sub-team's primary function is running meetings in ways that make conversations more effective.
Facilitation Tasks:
* plan how to organize and carry-out plenary agenda, based on items provided from Steering
* facilitate plenary meetings
* evaluate plenary meetings
* implement group process within plenary meetings
* be available to facilitate team meetings and discussion circles
* train new facilitators
* manage minute-taking tasks:
** recruit minute-takers
** recommend format for minutes
** distribute minutes
** get approval of minutes at plenary meetings
* ensure there is a child care coordinator for plenary meetings
* set plenary meeting schedule
* arrange facilitation workshops
The Process sub-team's primary function is to define, refine, support, and evaluate community decision-making and discussion processes.
Process Tasks:
* define Color Cards
** make sure there are enough, and correct, cards for plenary gatherings
* document our community decision-making and discussion processes
* define the Process Observer role for plenary meetings
* be available to serve as Process Observers at plenary meetings, in conjunction with CS
* coordinate with Member Integration to introduce new people to our processes
* support team processes:
** be available to help with process-related issues within a team
** be proactive in helping teams learn about group process and decision-making
** be available to assist teams in developing processes that reflect the core values of the community
* be available to help teams or individual presenters get items ready for plenary discussion
* arrange process workshops
2. Members are chosen by self-selection and are re-affirmed yearly. People may choose to be members of only one of the two sub-teams.
3. Team decisions are made by consensus or by another method consensed on within the team. The team may delegate some Process questions to ad hoc teams, with at least one member of Facilitation/Process on the ad hoc team.
4. The Facilitation and Process Team has an annual budget, determined as part of the MC budget process.
5. The team will issue reports to the plenary when the team is developing changes to the community's decision-making process or to the way we handle plenary meetings.
6. The Facilitation and Process Team works in conjunction with other teams:
* Steering to plan plenary agenda items and to facilitate community decisions
* Community Support to handle conflict that arises in General Meetings and to coordinate Process Observers.
* Member Integration to bring new people up to speed with community processes.
* Any team or presenter to help them to be ready for plenary meetings.
7. Power Levels
* The team has power level 2 (may bring a proposal to plenary) for defining and refining plenary decision making processes.
* The team has power level 3 for setting the plenary meeting schedule; arranging workshops; and defining Color Cards.
* The team can make independent decisions (power level 4) about all other team-related tasks.
8. The Facilitation and Process team accepts input from people not on the team by email, personal contact, filling out posted surveys, etc. The team can establish a deadline for input on an issue.
9. The Facilitation email list is a private list, open only to those who are active members of this sub-team and to those who were active and have stepped back for a temporary time (6-9 months).
Any community member can be on the Process sub-team email list, but only those self-declared Process sub-team members can participate in Process sub-team decisions.