Three Bedroom Homes (Large)

Three Bedroom Homes (Large)

FloorplanFloorplanRoom Sizes

Living room: 21’ x 10 ½’
Dining room: 12 ½’ x 10’
Kitchen: 10’ x 10’
Master Bedroom: 14’ x 10 ½’
Bedroom 2: 10 ½ ’ x 11
Bedroom 3: 9 ½’ x 9 ½’

Detailed Floor Plans

Building type 1 includes a large 3-bedroom unit and two stacked 1-bedroom flats:
Floor Plans / Exterior Elevations / Photo

Building type 4 includes a large 3-bedroom unit and two 2-bedroom units:
Floor Plans / Exterior Elevations / Photo



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admin Wed, 02/29/2012 - 17:05