1. The Fruit Team cares for the trees and plants it chooses to plant.
2. Anyone can join the Fruit Team by emailing fruit-team at mosaic-commons.org and asking geekery to add you to the mailing list. This is a work heavy team--we are looking for people interested in finding out how to take care of fruit team related plants and then to do the work.
3. Team decisions will be made by asking who wants to be in on the decision, and then settling matters by email or in in-person meetings for discussion and decision. Decisions will then be reported to the Fruit Team email list. We may develop strategies for quick decisions if necessary.
4. The Fruit Team has an annual budget, determined as part of the Mosaic Commons Cohousing budget process. The Fruit team may transfer money from its budget to that of the Landscaping team or Garden team, if members of both teams agree to the transfer.
5. The team will report to the plenary about when there are significant changes to the work of the team. It will also report when it needs help with fruit team work, or when fruit is available for harvesting, and how the fruit will be distributed.
6. The Fruit Team works closely with dirt (landscaping and garden) around budget, buying supplies, hiring outside help, using tools, etc.
7. The Fruit Team has power level 2 (asking the plenary, and Sawyer Hill Trustees if necessary, for approval) in determining the location of the orchard, the broad category of plants (for example, apples vs. blueberries), and any changes to the on-going landscaping of the community. We have power level 4 (make our own decisions) with regard to determining the varieties of fruits, planting other supportive plants, for all issues around managing the orchard, and to spend our allocated budget.
8. The Fruit Team will follow the pesticide and herbicide policies in the declaration of trust.